The Misadventurers
The Misadventurers is a lighthearted exploration of world folklore through a fortnightly D&D campaign. Join Ghâshbúrz the Tiefling Barbarian; Delilah the Elven Warlock; Isteth the Elven Ranger and Samuel the Human Cleric as they battle mythical foes, discover long forgotten artifacts, and maybe even make a few friends!
The first arc (eps 1-17) saw our cast in Albion (England) where they battled with mythical creatures before helping solve a series of mysterious crimes in London.
The second arc (eps 19+) is in progress.
Extra Content:
Mythadventurers - episodes once per arc which take a deeper look at the myths and folklore which inspired the campaign.
Bonus - Random roll character creation episodes in which the players have some fun creating new characters, all available to play
This podcast began as an extension of a group of friends, already enjoying playing Dungeons & Dragons together, and hoping that a podcast setting would allow people to have as much fun listening to their adventures as they have creating them.